How to Disable Incoming Spam Protection for a Specific Email Account

For your security, spam protection is enabled by default for all HostM hosting accounts, and we do not generally recommend disabling this.

When spam protection is enabled, incoming email that is likely to be junk mail is automatically filtered into the Junk folder of the hosted email account.

Should you wish to disable incoming spam protection for a specific email account, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your HostM hosting account’s cPanel.

    Your cPanel access details are listed on the hosting account’s Info page in the Client Lounge.

  2. Under the Email heading, select Email Filters.

  3. Select Manage Filters for the email account you wish to modify.

  4. Select Create a New Filter.

  5. Set up the following rule:

    • Filter Name: Disable Spam Protection

    • Rules: Spam Status begins with: Yes

    • Actions: Deliver to Folder: INBOX

  6. Select the Create button.

Incoming spam protection should now be disabled for that particular email account on your hosting account. Please note that this may result in a large number of spam messages showing up in your inbox.

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